Feb 19, 2009

More Than Weddings: The Life Ever After

Marriage 101

It’s not just the wedding, after all, it’s a one day event, what’s more important and I think what most of us think less is the life that awaits us after the wedding. I did some readings (yes!) and found a couple of interesting information about this most celebrated sacrament.

What is Marriage?

Marriage is a covenant by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of love for the whole life.

Why is Marriage a sacrament?

Marriage is a sacrament because the covenant between the husband and wife signifies the union of Christ and the Church.

Who are the ministers of Marriage?

The ministers of the sacrament of marriage are the spouses. However, the priest is the minister of the Holy Mass during which the sacrament takes place.

What is the matter of Marriage?

The matter of the sacrament of marriage is the exchange of consent.

What are the 2 essential ends of marriage?

The 2 essential ends of marriage are: 1. the good of the spouses; 2. the pro creation and education of the children.

What are the two effects of the Sacrament of Marriage?

1. Perpetual and exclusive bond between the spouses; 2. The sacramental grace of marriage.

What are the three properties of marriage?

1. Unity
“And a man shall his father and mother and be joined with his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” (Matt 19:5)

2. Indissolubility
“What God has put together, let no man put asunder.”

3. Openness to life.
“Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it.” (Gen 1:28)

Catholic Wedding Terms:

Canonical Interview-the official examination made by the parish priest to discern whether a couple is qualified to contract marriage.
Marriage banns- public announcement of the incoming marriage. The banns are posted for three weeks (3 consecutive Sundays) at the bulletin board of the church or during the Sunday masses.

Average budget for documents

Baptismal Certificates (annotated) - Php 50.00/each
Confirmation Certificates (annotated) – Php 50.00/ each
CENOMAR- Php 300.00/each
Birth Certificates- Php 150.00/ each
Pre- Cana Seminar
Marriage License- Php 200
Pre Cana Seminar- Php 150
Church fees (priest stipend, red carpet, flowers, choir, and electricity) – Php 3,000.00-15,000.00

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